Miscarriage Protocols
Pre-Pregnancy Laboratory Tests
- Antinuclear antibody panel (ANA)
- Antiphospholipid antibody panel (APA)
- Leukocyte antibody detection
- Immunophenotype
- (DQA1 on partners, and NK cell with IVIg on female recommended)
(For more information see laboratory studies)
- ANA+
- Prednisone 5 mg BID 5 days prior to conception.
- Prednisone 10 mg BID on confirmation of pregnancy.
Continue through week 20-24 gestation, then taper over 4 weeks.
(If patient has not gotten pregnant within 3 months of starting prednisone, recommend 1 month hiatus.)
- APA +
- Heparin 5000 u sq BID 5 days prior to conception.
- Aspirin 81 mg QD 5 days prior to conception.
(Both meds are continued through week 34 gestation.)
- Leukocyte Antibody Detection - low
- IVIG 200mg/Kg per day for one day, 7-10 days prior to ovation. Repeat every month as
long as blocking antibodies are low.
- Immunophenotype - Abnormal CD 56+/CD 16+ or CD 5+/CD 19+
- IVIg q month until immunophenotype normalizes.
- Order NK with IVIg to determine dose of IVIg.
- If borderline, can repeat IP or test partners DQA1.
- Laboratory tests are repeated every trimester.
- Dr. Matzner is always available by phone or e-mail to assist you.